The Inner Hue

When initially dreaming up this idea—it was about breaking the confines of specific denominations. To work across all groups of people with an overarching idea that we’re all on a journey to be our best selves and serve each other without judgement. We’re here to embrace all and uplift each other through spiritual practice.

Brand Strategy & Design: What authentically represents a brand of inclusion, spirituality, and support? Through conversations and brainstorming the idea of being in community with one another rose to the top. So, cultivating a desire and passion for being in community felt like a sincere guiding statement.

The next thought that needed to be clearly shared was an idea of inclusivity. Embracing all to be in community. We all desire to belong. We all, at our core, want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. This was about visualizing a connection to God and spirit. And doing so by embracing those of all backgrounds. Looking deep to the inner-being and embracing each person’s inner self … their inner hue.

The mosaic dove represented a positive, uplifting idea. The many colors embraced the idea of diversity. A visual representation that all could embrace.