The concept of cultivating a personal care practice developed during Robert’s time studying Chinese medicine at the Jung Tao School. The idea that ones self-care was the foundation for providing healing service to others. Without that self-care, a practitioner can’t be one’s best self for a client or patient.

Primary Pain Point: How can I weave together my coaching credentials, business experience, and Chinese medicine practice? The answer for this came while thinking about the experiences had during eastern medicine studies. One thing that was ever-present during four years of graduate school was a class called Personal Cultivation. This was all about caring for and developing yourself to be of best service to others.

Brand Strategy & Design: What represents my brand, my practice philosophy and is authentic to me and my work? The initial brand discovery documentation surfaced the idea that nurturing one’s whole self would benefit all parts, i.e., mind, body, spirit. Integrating the sound fundamentals of eastern medicine and philosophy, 25+ years of business practice, and pairing them with the practical nature of coaching gives clients a solid foundation upon which to travel a meaningful journey. This is how the idea of Cultivate took root.

It’s a ground up process—and that’s where it begins.

Being grounded and present. Being mindful. Cultivating a personal practice that nurtures the self and gives due attention to our connection with the natural world. It became clear that visual representation of nature and growth would be a guiding principle.