After being in private practice for 4 years, Anne made an intentional move to rebrand her practice. She wanted to breathe new energy into something that was very personal and meaningful. She wanted to fully express her dedication and sincere interest in being of service to couples and individuals who sought to develop more fulfilling, meaningful relationships with friends, loved ones, and the self.

Brand Strategy & Design: What does a fresh brand identity look like? How can we weave in some ideas specific to Imago Therapy? What visual styles represent positive growth and change? Through discussion, discovery, and brainstorming the idea of nature, symmetry, balance, and the beauty of stain glass were thoughts that kept surfacing.

A visual exploration of foliage and color began the process. The structure of the leaves represents stain glass and a transparency of communication. The three leaves represent the three main aspects of the Imago Dialogue; mirroring, validation, and empathy. This also led to a primary color palette (green) and secondary color palettes (blue and orange). This added a stronger visual connection to the natural world and created opportunity to associate color with different aspects of the therapeutic work.

From there the website took advantage of white space for a clean, easy-to-browse experience. The structure of the site also provided for future build-out if additional content is of interest.